Administrative Ease In The Office
Real time visibility, zero paperwork hassle
With Wombat, safety administrators enjoy real-time visibility into field activities, ensuring a seamless and efficient safety management process.
Administrative Ease in the Office
Items needing attention or approaching deadlines are automatically added to the to-do list, streamlining administrative tasks.
Effortless Training Oversight
Wombat keeps track of workers’ training and certification, eliminating manual reminders.
Instant Compliance Checks
Quickly identify compliance issues and receive immediate notifications for corrective actions.
Seamless Communication
Stay informed about on-site activities without the need for constant communication with field workers.
Hassle-Free Document Access
All current documents are accessible in Wombat, eliminating the need to search for specific paperwork.
Quick Data Retrieval
Use filters to quickly find the information you're looking for. No more paper hunts!