• Health & Safety

Closing the Loop on Safety Audits

Posted by Sienna Luard·

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Safety audits are a tool to verify that a company has a safety program in place that effectively mitigates safety risk.

How do you ensure that the time and energy that it takes to audit your company’s safety policies and procedures generates the most impactful results?

A structured approach to audits is key.

There are 5 important Steps to an Effective Safety Audit.


  • You need to have an Audit Plan that documents the Who, What and Where.
  • Audits should track progress towards specific safety goals.
  • An Audit Report should detail what is working well and what needs work.
  • After that, Corrective Actions should contribute towards a continuous improvement process that supports optimal workplace safety.
  • Transparent Communication of audit results creates an awareness of each employee’s contribution to workplace safety.  In addition, it affirms the value of Safety Culture.

When an audit identifies an issue, pinpoint the cause.

Then implement a corrective action process that will resolve the issue and close the loop on your safety audit.


  • The Corrective Action needs to be linked to it’s source and communicate the context of the issue in the audit.
  • Action Items should break down the steps involved in solving the problem.
  • There needs to be a workflow that maximizes effiective communication and prevents the problem from falling through the cracks.
  • There needs to be a designated person who is responsible for creating accountability.
  • After that, a Risk Assessment is the final essential element of an audit.  It should clearly state if the actions performed have reduced the risk of the issue happening again to an acceptable level.

In conclusion, a well thought out and implemented safety audit process will facilitate continual improvement.  This virtuous cycle will make each subsequent audit easier and more streamlined.  Above all,  your company will become safer with each audit cycle
